Conan is Coming! Sold out Saturday Night at the Palms.

“It was either a massive 30-city tour or start helping out around the house... a night of music, comedy, hugging, and the occasional awkward silence". Coco.
The 30 City
Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour
Conan Returns to TV on TBS in October.
46 of the Best Conan O' Brien Videos Ever: 1. Triumph the Insult Dog, 2. Conan meets Jay Leno 1993, 3. Emmy Monolouge, 4. Bartendar School, 5. Howard Stern Warns About Jay Leno, 6. At the Car Lot, 7. In Ireland, 8. At FAO Schwartz, 9. Talks to Mike Tyson, 10. Visit to Intel, 11. Insult Dog on Global Warming, 12. Will Ferrel, 13. Chris Farley, 14, Best Characters and Masturbating Bear, 15. Jim Carey, 16. Learns to Dance, 17. At Yankee Stadium with Billy Crystal, 18. Robin Williams, 19. Dana Carvey, 20. Hunter S. Thompson and 17 other great Conan Moments.
Some Up Coming Tour Dates